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11 years ago



11 years ago


''A tear
Carrying the DNA of pain
Washing away hurtful stains
A tear
Expressing unspeakable feelings
Creating new channels of healing

❤ ❤❤">http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c151/candaceb06/crying.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Traveling through tunnels of tragedy
Transporting tremendous tons of therapy
A tear
Rushing into a river of reformation
Creating a deluge of consolation

❤ ❤❤">http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa184/joyful1inva/crying.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Tearing down walls of internal imprisonment
Building beautiful bridges of betterment
A tear
Providing homeostasis
Averting my crisis

❤ ❤❤">http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r334/Darkale13/crying.png" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Seasoned with the salt of reality
Rescued me from the claws of insanity
A tear
Flowing directly from the tear in my soul
Anchoring my feet and making me whole

❤ ❤❤">http://n1.img98.net/out.php/i494727_363-girl-in-rain-prince-vij.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Much thanks to you my dear tear
You are the reason I’m still here''

❤ ❤❤">http://n1.img98.net/out.php/i494728_188-tear-prince-vij.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ❤

it doesn't mean i'm sad
i only mean some times we all need a flow of tears
to realize wats joy of living

❤ ❤❤">http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp255/andi4109/crying.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ❤

happy night with lot of tears


11 years ago
11 years ago





Añd Bèåütìfül Dåy

*"SùBäH BäKhair"*


Allah bless u...

11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago


doeѕ нappιneѕѕ depend υpon coмғorт? ’
тнe anѕwer ιѕ deғιnιтely a вιg, ‘no! ’
нappιneѕѕ lιeѕ ιn noт coмғorтѕ alone!
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ noт a ѕтaтιc qυalιтy
oғ тнe нυмan мιnd, вody and ѕoυl.
">http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q481/raemgrace21/DSCF9474-1.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
all can’т reмaιn нappy all тнe тιмe.
ιт woυld вe ғoolιѕнneѕѕ тo wιѕн ғor a lιғe,
ғιlled wιтн нappιneѕѕ alone;
lιғe coυld вecoмe вorιng, wнen нappιneѕѕ ιѕ prolonged.
even a paυper can вe нappιer тнan тнe prιnce.
even a вeggar ѕмιleѕ and ѕleepѕ well, deѕpιтe мυcн ѕтrιғe.
">http://01.54.img98.net/out.php/i492839_beashappyaspossible.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ a ғraмe oғ мιnd тнaт’ѕ dynaмιc ιn naтυre;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ a ĸιnd oғ мood oғ ғeelιng very well;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ a ѕтaтe oғ one,
wнen lιғe ѕeeмѕ worтн lιvιng;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ all wιтнιn;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn gιvιng; нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn ѕнarιng.
">http://01.54.img98.net/out.php/i492843_walkawayfromanythingthatn2e95b.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
нappιneѕѕ doeѕ noт depend on coмғorтѕ;
нappιneѕѕ cannoт вe вoυgнт вy мoney;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ noт all lυхυry.
">http://01.54.img98.net/out.php/i492840_ifyouarenthappybeingsingle.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn вeιng cнιld-lιĸe,тнoυgн adυlт;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn ѕacrιғιcιng ғor oтнerѕ’ ѕaĸe;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn doιng acтѕ oғ cнarιтy;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ wнen yoυ’ve led a rιgнтeoυѕ lιғe.
">http://01.54.img98.net/out.php/i492842_youreprettiestwhenyoureha60dd5.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
нappιneѕѕ тo ѕoмe ιѕ ιn dreaмѕ alone;
нappιneѕѕ тo ѕoмe doιng rιѕĸy ғeaтѕ;
нappιneѕѕ тo a ғew ιѕ ιn a ѕнeer lazy lιғe;
нappιneѕѕ тo мe ιѕ ιn lovιng...

★(-_-)happy night(-_-)★
11 years ago
">http://i2.tagstat.com/image07/4/499c/009n054B4Cs.gif" border="0"/>
11 years ago


υnιverѕal ғreedoм ιѕ......

ғreedoм ғroм нaтe and ғreedoм oғ love
ғreedoм oғ вelow and ғreedoм oғ aвove.
ғreedoм ғroм war and ғreedoм oғ peace
ғreedoм тo вegιn and ғreedoм тo ceaѕe.
ғreedoм ғroм ѕιcĸneѕѕ and ғreedoм oғ нealтн
ғreedoм ғroм poverтy and мιѕнandled wealтн.
">http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q568/nevereverme/Bremen%20Liebe/Freedom.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
ғreedoм ғroм нυnger and ғreedoм ғroм paιn
ғreedoм ғroм loѕѕ and ѕo ғreedoм ғroм gaιn.
ғreedoм тo тнιnĸ and ғreedoм тo ĸnow
ғreedoм тo acнιeve and ғreedoм тo grow.
ғreedoм ғroм вondage and ғreedoм oғ lιвeraтιon
ғreedoм ғroм ιgnorance and any υnĸnown ѕιтυaтιon.
">http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s573/lara7296/freedom/lluitarcrearconstruir.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
ғreedoм тo coмe and ғreedoм тo leave
ғreedoм тo ѕтay and ғreedoм тo conceιve.
ғreedoм ғroм ғaιlυre and ғreedoм oғ ѕυcceѕѕ
ғreedoм ғroм denιal and ғreedoм oғ acceѕѕ.
ғreedoм ғroм ιllυѕιon and ғreedoм oғ realιтy
ғreedoм тo вecoмe wнaт we are ιn acтυalιтy.
">http://www.freeimagehosting.net/t/cwar5.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
ғreedoм тo lιve and ғreedoм тo dιe
ғreedoм тo laυgн and ғreedoм тo cry.
ғreedoм тo ѕpeaĸ and ғreedoм тo lιѕтen
ғreedoм тo acт вaѕed on a wιѕe decιѕιon.
ғreedoм ғroм wrong and ғreedoм вeιng rιgнт
ғreedoм oғ тнe day and ғreedoм oғ тнe nιgнт.
">http://www.freeimagehosting.net/t/b585f.jpg" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=
υnιverѕal ғreedoм ιѕ eтernal and ιnғιnιтe вlιѕѕ
we ѕнoυld all тнereғore вe aвle тo realιѕe тнιѕ......
">http://www.99galleries.com/photo/2488.gif" border="0"/>=♬❤♬=

11 years ago

11 years ago
">http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee468/numie2/s146.gif" border="0"/>

Just Dropping By to say Hi Hi Hello

">http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma9b8rnlIg1ryvmmzo1_500.gif" border="0"/>

11 years ago

★·.·´¯`·.·★ ♥ ♥ ★·.·´¯`·.·★

Respect is something that’s given for free..
Respect is about us and never about me..

Respect is the basis on which relationships are founded..
Respect is the anchor that keeps a person well grounded..

Respect builds the character and defines who we are..
Respect sets the standard and raises the bar..

Respect is magnanimous and helps to fulfil..
Respect is the partner that sits with good will..

Respect is like honey so sweet it’s perceived..
Respect a taste to savour for when it’s received..

Respect is a lesson that everyone should learn..
Respect must be given before an expected return

*~*~*Happy night*~*~*

★·.·´¯`·.·★ ♥ ♥ ★·.·´¯`·.·★

11 years ago
11 years ago

11 years ago


Moon and sun
Booth are lovers
Love everyday
For day and night
Sun was very hot
Moon was very cold
But booth are loving


Moon and sun
booth are lovers?

Long long
Moon and sun
day by day
night and day...

its nature
But runding
the earth help
of moon and sun
is it is love....

">http://01.54.img98.net/out.php/i492039_good-morning-69.jpg" border="0"/>

The breeze…………
has awakened ………….
the earth,……………………….

The sun……………………………
gave brightness ………..
to the earth,………..

Birds gave …………
melodious music ………..
to the earth,………………………..

">http://01.54.img98.net/out.php/i492041_good-morning-e-card-002.jpg" border="0"/>

Then its the time to wish
my sweet friend
Good Morning.


11 years ago
">http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396263_10151200306946839_289231758_n.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/9286_10151196464266839_1911413534_n.jpg" border="0"/> " border="0"/>
11 years ago
11 years ago


11 years ago


'When two people first meet,
they can only have a
very ordinary kind of friendship.
But when you begin to understand each other,
when you get close to them,
you discover that you're
suddenly eager to know him or her even better.''

'Friendship is unnecessary,
like philosophy, like art...
It has no survival value;
rather it is one of those things
that give value to survival.'

'A lot of the powerful religious leaders,
from Jesus to Buddha to Muhammad to Tibetan monks,
they're really talking about the same things:
love and acceptable, and the value of friendship,
and respecting yourself...
so you can respect others.'

'Strike to have friends,
for life without friends is..
like life on a desert island...
to find one real friend
in a lifetime is good fortune;
to keep him/her is a blessing.'

'We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone.
Only through our love and friendship
can we create the illusion
for the moment that we're not alone???'


11 years ago
">http://www.hannytech.com/wallpapers/walls/love_wallpapers_6-normal.jpg" border="0"/>

My Angel!

The Miracle of Love
Love is a miracle ...
that does not happen every day
He comes without warning ...
takes in most of the day
and when night comes, he
burning inside us.
Love gives us wings ...
makes us believe.
This rose is for you with love!
God is always present
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