katymzr19  Buku tamu saya (556) Daftar buku tamu

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10 years ago
Hi friend good night sweet dream.by
10 years ago
Sorry for late reply..good evening dear
10 years ago
The best revenge you can
have is simply moving on
and getting over your
Don’t give
anyone the satisfaction of
seeing you suffer.
10 years ago
Days are too busy, hours are too few, seconds are too fast ,But there is always time for me to say hello to someone like you. Smile and enjoy life!
10 years ago
gud2 mOrning 2 katy
Have a lovely day
10 years ago
The breeze has awakened the earth,
And sun has colored our world,
The birds have added melody,
I hope I'm not late to wish,
'Good morning'
10 years ago
Good morning my sweet unnie

its okkay unnie i understand

i'm fine hbu?

i miss u more

Love yah my unnie
10 years ago
10 years ago

10 years ago
A friend never leaves any other friend
but what will happened if betrayal starts
to circle within your friendship?
Never anticipated that one's friend can do that
but theres just friend that pretends to be your friend.
Saying they like you, but the truth they dont
telling you, they have seen you go to that wrong way
but they were just afraid to tell you
but the truth they've never seen you go to the wrong way.
pretending to be a true and caring friend,
when you turn your back
full of stabs in your back can be seen.
choosing a friend has never been easy
but if your friend just steals slowly everything from you
then you wake up
and see everything has gone.
Secrets are disperse
and your name is destroyed
for you trusted the wrong friend
and you just dont know how to get up again,
blaming your pretentious friend
she had left you with problems you have to solve
but dont ever put your full trust to a friend again
for you dont know what she's capable of.
10 years ago
Morning sis katy..

Have a nice day....
10 years ago
Gud evening friend
10 years ago
What differs a good friend from a true friend?
A good friend will always be with you
A true friend will be there for you when you need him and will understand that sometimes it's better to leave you alone
A good friend will always ask you how you feel
A true friend understands how you feel without asking and he knows you will tell him what the problem is because you know he'll help you and you understand a true friend cares about you even though he does not ask
A good friend will always tell you what you want to hear
A true friend will always tell you the truth and you will appreciate this because you know it's right
A good friend will be jealous of others if you spend more time with them
A true friend will know that you care for him but that there are sometimes things that have to be done
A good friend will be there for you everytime you see him
A true friend will always be there for you
A good friend will lend you an umbrella and make you feel you owe him something
A true friend will give you his umbrella and get wet if you just say you want him to
A good friend will visit you when you're in hospital and bring you a present and say hello and walk off and feel he has done his duty
A true friend won't visit you in hospital, he will be with you all day and when you feel better again he will walk off and be happy because it is important to him to be with you not only when you're happy but in your dark hours, too
A true friend is so hard to find but we all want to have a true friend and we all need a true friend and when we've finally found one, we will know and we will understand that we have to do everything to keep that friendship alive and we will do.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Good evening
10 years ago
The past you cannot forget or undo,
The future is all we can look forwardtoo.
I wish I could have been there by your side...
For all the times you've weeped and cried.
Know from my heart, what I say is true...
That I hurt for the pain you have been through.
Never alone shall you be,
Someday, freedom you will see
May your hopes and dreams come true,
No matter where you are, I'll always be here for you.
Dedicated to Stacey
10 years ago
Gudnite dear
10 years ago
10 years ago
[Tuesday Quiz]
At 19.30pm..

Idol Dream High - Idol King Tournament ~Round 1, Bracket 1.. ?

- B1A4's Jin Young.
- ZE:A's Park Hyung Sik.
- 2PM's Nichkhun.
- Super Junior-M's Henry.
10 years ago
You're Right..
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