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年龄: 36



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留言板 (10) 留言

11 年前
Friends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut Scraps Friends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut ScrapsFriends18.com Orkut Scraps

11 年前
11 年前
I believe in u friend if ur smile is like a ray of light that brightens my existence if ur eyes sparkle with joy to meet if u know u share my tears n mourn with those who mourn.
Of ur hand is open to give n ur will is generous to help. If ur words re sincere n express what u feel in ur heart. If u know my weaknesses understand generously.
If u re not ashamed to be my friend sad n bitter times

plz be happy
11 年前
I can not give solutions to all your problems in life,
I have no answer to your doubts or fears.
But I can hear you and share with you.
I can not help you stumble.
I can only offer my hand and exposes you do not fall.
Your joys, your triumphs and your successes are not mine.
But honestly I enjoy when I see you happy.
I do not judge the decisions you make in life.
I merely support you, encourage you and help you if you ask me.
I can not trazarte limits within which you must act,
but if I offer you the space to grow.
I can not help your suffering when any penalty breaks your heart,
but I can mourn with you and pick up the pieces to put it together again.
I can not tell who you are or who you should be.
I can only love you as you are and be your friend.
These days I thought of my friends,
and among them you appeared.
There were neither up nor down in the middle.
No encabezabas or you ended the list.
You were the number one and the final number.
And I have no claim to be the first,
the second or third on your list.
Just that I want as a friend.
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