irish0505  danh sách khách của bạn (32) Nhận xét

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13 years ago
MaY u aLwAyS hAVe : eNoUgH hApPiNeSs tO kEEp u sWeEt; eNoUgH TrIaLs tO kEEp u sTrOnG; eNoUgH SuCcEsS tO kEEp u eAgEr; eNoUgH fAiTh tO gIvE u cOuRaGe; and eNoUgH dEtErMiNaTiOn tO mAkE eAcH DaY a gOOd DaY... gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr nD hAvE a FaBuLoUs DaY aHeAD...!!!
13 years ago
Morning is silent, morning is calm, morning is beautifil, but morning is not complete without wishing u good and wonderful day.
13 years ago
13 years ago
In LiFe, GOD DoEsN't gIVe yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu wANt. InStEaD HE gIvEs yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu nEEd tO tEaCh yOu, tO hURt yOu, tO LoVe yOu and tO mAKe yOu eXaCtLy tHe wAy yOu ShOuLd bE!!! So hAvE tRuSt oN GOD. gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr & hAvE A gReAt DaY aHeAd...!!!
13 years ago
mA wIsH fOr hEr... "bEfOrE I dIe, I wANt tO dOnAtE mA bLoOd to hEr. sO tHAt AtLeAsT mA bLoOd cOuLd tOuCh HER HeArT wHeRe I cOuLdN't".
13 years ago
If U'rE nOt haPpy beIng siNGle, u'lL neVer bE haPpy iN A reLaTiOnShIp ! Y ?! LIVe uR oWn lIFe fiRst, nD tHEn tRy tO shAre iT wITh sOMe1 sPeCiAl... gOOd MoRnInG dEAr...!!!
13 years ago
sEe hOw mUCh I mEAn "U"... If I hAd tHe lEtTeRs "HRT", I cAn aDd "EA" tO gEt a "HEART" oR a "U" aNd gEt "HURT". BuT I'd raTHer cHoOsE "U" aNd gEt "HURT" tHAn tO hAVe a "HEART" wItHoUt "U". gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr aNd hAVe a gReAt DaY AhEaD...!!!
13 years ago
sEe hOw mUCh I mEAn "U"... If I hAd tHe lEtTeRs "HRT", I cAn aDd "EA" tO gEt a "HEART" oR a "U" aNd gEt "HURT". BuT I'd raTHer cHoOsE "U" aNd gEt "HURT" tHAn tO hAVe a "HEART" wItHoUt "U". gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr aNd hAVe a gReAt DaY AhEaD...!!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
how r u.i miss u.
13 years ago
Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.
13 years ago
Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magical
13 years ago
marvelous lines.......when yr time is running good, ur all mistakes are taken as jokes, but when ur time is running bad, all ur jokes are noticed as mistakes"
13 years ago
cry as hard as u want to;but just make sure, that when u stop crying,u wil never cry again for the same reason....
13 years ago
hay irish how r u.i love ur this image good niht
13 years ago
can u reply my messeges
13 years ago
how r u
13 years ago
hi irish your this image is realy r u
13 years ago
13 years ago
good morning r u
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